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INFLUENCES by douglas tuttle

As part of this memoire, I have assembled a list of the things that influenced Horst the most. Naturally, this includes artitsts and artistic movements, but also film makers, illustrators, cartoonists, spirtual leaders, philosophers, writers, friends and even some spirtual traditions.

Horst never talked much about his art, except that he was anxious that people come to appreciate it. However, he was very easy to engage on what he found interesting, and the things that were inspiring his art. This list comes directly from those conversations. To simply give a list of influences is more illuminating when you have Horst's own words alongside a larger context. From this we can understand what inspired Horst and have some idea what he took from each.

Without Horst to confirm, deny or elaborate on these descriptions, they will always be incomplete and inaccurate. However, it was important to Horst that people understood his art as an organic outgrowth of his times, that he was very much in sych with his contemporaries. And it was through these kinds of connections that he was able to do that.

Caspar David Friedrich

Georgia O'Keeffe

Kurt Schwitters

Artists from Nontraditional Media
Federico Fellini

Edward Weston

MC Escher

Saul Steinberg

Instructors at Hochschule für Bildene Künste, Braunschweig
Harro Siegel

Paul Egon Schiffers

Bruno Müller-Linow

Spiritual Advisors and Traditions
Carl Jung

Jiddu Krishnamurti

The I Ching

Gunter Grass