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With Hilde and Nanny, 1929 Wheelbarrow, 1930
In Lederhosen, 1933 With Ducks, 1938
Passport Photo, 1952 Berkeley House, 1959
Sunbathing, 1959 Writing Letter, 1959
Horseshoe Crabs, 1959 Horst, 1959
Daper Gents, 1959 Horst with Camera, 1959
Horst with Two Plus Two , 1961 Self Portrait in Mirror, 1963
Golden Gate Bridge, 1964 Grand Canyon Vista, 1964
Grand Canyon, 1964 With Mother, 1966
With Family, 1966 With Aunt, 1966
With Cat, 1968 With Glass, 1968
Susi and Hans Jr., 1969 Gardening with Hans, 1973
Portrait, 1973 With Barbara and Hilde, 1975
Horst in Fairfax Studio, 1978 Studio with Brushes, 1978
Portrait, 1987 With Barabara in Bainbridge, 1987
With Hans Becker, 1995 Studio with Last Painting, 1998